Sunday, May 24, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming: local solutions

As we know the global warming is our present and future issue. We suppose to start changing some things, specially our way of living.In this post ill mention some problems caused by global warming and ill give some solutions to solve these problems.
One of the main reasons of this problem is the increasing in the population. Population is in increase every single year. The demand on food, water and vulnerable natural is rising. It puts more pressure on the earth, which it leads us to build more factories to supply and cover the increasing of demands. An additional problem is new technology. As mentioned in the film of “an Inconvenient Truth” old habits plus and new technology equals dramatically altered consequences such as the atomic bomb. Another issue is our way of thinking. We keep waiting until it’s too late and something goes wrong.
Although these problems are very serious, we can take some steps to solve the problem. One solution is, to change our luxurious living style. For example we can reuse the furniture for 10 years instead of keep changing the furniture every 3 years. It will reduce cutting the trees which helps to clean the environment. Another possibility is, we have to change our old habit especially in wars between us. We don’t need such as atomic bomb to solve our political issues! We can solve it in a friendly way, can’t we? Also we have to think in a different way, we have to start to think about the future and think about our next generations which it will suffer because of the shortage in food and water.
My opinion about what Al Gore said in his presentation that I couldn’t agree more, what he said is happening and it’s a fact. We feel the changes in the temperatures. We suppose to start thinking about the future.
In conclusion, it’s the pressure we are putting on the earth. The new technology we are creating might cause a global changing. Thinking about our future can help the earth from being the victim of our unstoppable needs.


1-"Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future" by Dr. Mark Maslin, Feb 15, 2007.
2- "The main cause of global warming." Time for change. 19 Mar. 2007. 24 May 2009

1 comment:

  1. Ahmed

    Good work and writing - you need to add the bibliography format. YOur currant score is 60 points. Add your bibliography by Thursday and I'll re-grade your work.

    THe Fox
